We've got LOTS of different Prayer Pillowcases - to see them all!
Who could ask for better friends? Whichever is your child’s favorite, you can rest easy knowing that everyone in this circle of friends inspires piety, courage, hope, and trust in God’s love! St. Therese, St. Joan of Arc, St. Bernadette, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Kateri and St. Cecilia can become beloved companions your child will turn to for encouragement when facing the life’s challenges. What girl doesn’t wish for the kind of friendship that lasts for a lifetime? These positive role models are from diverse backgrounds and circumstances giving the opportunity for children to identify with one or all of them in one way or another.
The Circle of Friends Saintly Sisters Prayer Pillowcase features six lovely saint portraits encircling a prayer.
Pillowcase Material: Poly/Cotton Blend
20" x 31" to fit Standard and Queen-sized pillows.